Sunday, April 6, 2014

Indian Leg Wrestling!!!

 So every December 23rd we have a party for Joseph Smith's Birthday and we always do a little stick pulling and Indian Wrestling. 

 It's a little blurry but can't you tell that Andrew is on top of me!!
 He likes to protect his big brother!!  Who was loosing I might add.
 And here is the proof!!!

Thanksgiving 2013

 Well Thanksgiving was a few months ago but these were pretty cute pictures that I couldn't resist.  Becca and Anneliese and Adrianna made a cute picture.

 Cute little Landon was very fond of the kitchen.  He has some cute little facial expressions.
 Sawyer!!  What are you doing?  Cute long haired boy!
 Now this is a very important picture.  This shows that Aunt Amy and I really do stand by the stove and cool ALL THE TIME!!! 
 Here we are sitting down to a lovely meal!!
 Hey Nolan are you cool or something? The BOYS table.
 It looks like Sawyer enjoyed his meal!
 I can't remember why Becca was making a heart with her hands.

 Augh its Andrew.  Notice his pants are already undone.  I think he ate a ton!!!


 PIE TIME!!!  It is the reason for the season!
A little quality time with Grandma playing Ticket to Ride!

Nov. 18, 2013 Andrew Super Sweeper!!!

O.k. so I realize that I have slacked off considerably and that this post is fairly late but hey whatever happened to the better late then never.  O.k. it might be a little late for that even.  But it's the thought that counts!  Right?  O.k. so I did not take these photos and if I was any kind of Blogger I would figure out how to edit them so you couldn't see my messy house, but atlas you get to see it all since I can't do that.  So Cute little Andrew apparently was warding off "bad guys" with his broom.  He just was so cute I couldn't pass these photo's up.