Sunday, December 2, 2012


So I've been somewhat late in the technology age but have now decided to join in and become a blogger.  I don't know what I am doing but hopefully I will figure it out along the way.  I went to a Family History class recently and she was teaching  on the subject of writing your history.  She had these really cool books sitting there and she said they were her blog.  I was curious so I asked more about it and she said that you can turn your blog into a book.  That really interested me because I try to write in a journal for my kids and I love to have photo's with it but have failed the last few years with my scrapbooking.  I am excited to try this and see how well I will do.  This will be my beginning so I posted a picture of the family.  We are in front of the Old House on the farm and the rose bushes bloomed this year which made a great backdrop.

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