Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Water Troughs

Quinn by the water trough by the Rock Bridge.  He has the "key" in his hand.

 I tried to get a picture of the Bird Ladder that we had to put in.  I guess if the birds get in the trough and can't get out they eventually "Swim" over to this and then they can walk up out of the water.
 If you can't tell it's cold out and I am not sure why Quinn thinks this is a good idea but he had to fix something on it and he is balancing on the drain pipe.

I thought he was going to fall in so I tried to take a picture of it.  Turns out he just has really good balance.

 This is the trough in the lane.  It is not quite finished but is close.  It has the least amount of ice on it.  It will stay open all year.
So I took some pictures of what we had been doing all summer, fall, and into winter this year.  It was a long project and I for one am really happy that it's close to completion.  We hired a guy to rip in the pipe which went really quick if you ask me and then we bought big tires that have the outside cut off them.  They can hold a lot of water!!!  So we put four in: one in the lane, one in the four corners (poly pasture, dry farm, oiler pasture, and stack yards), and one in the stack yards and below the old house, and one by the rock bridge and oiler pasture.  So for those of you who don't know those names of those fields you'll just have to wonder where they are at.  But this way we won't have a great big muddy mess when spring comes.  It will be great this next summer!!!

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