Sunday, April 6, 2014

Indian Leg Wrestling!!!

 So every December 23rd we have a party for Joseph Smith's Birthday and we always do a little stick pulling and Indian Wrestling. 

 It's a little blurry but can't you tell that Andrew is on top of me!!
 He likes to protect his big brother!!  Who was loosing I might add.
 And here is the proof!!!

Thanksgiving 2013

 Well Thanksgiving was a few months ago but these were pretty cute pictures that I couldn't resist.  Becca and Anneliese and Adrianna made a cute picture.

 Cute little Landon was very fond of the kitchen.  He has some cute little facial expressions.
 Sawyer!!  What are you doing?  Cute long haired boy!
 Now this is a very important picture.  This shows that Aunt Amy and I really do stand by the stove and cool ALL THE TIME!!! 
 Here we are sitting down to a lovely meal!!
 Hey Nolan are you cool or something? The BOYS table.
 It looks like Sawyer enjoyed his meal!
 I can't remember why Becca was making a heart with her hands.

 Augh its Andrew.  Notice his pants are already undone.  I think he ate a ton!!!


 PIE TIME!!!  It is the reason for the season!
A little quality time with Grandma playing Ticket to Ride!

Nov. 18, 2013 Andrew Super Sweeper!!!

O.k. so I realize that I have slacked off considerably and that this post is fairly late but hey whatever happened to the better late then never.  O.k. it might be a little late for that even.  But it's the thought that counts!  Right?  O.k. so I did not take these photos and if I was any kind of Blogger I would figure out how to edit them so you couldn't see my messy house, but atlas you get to see it all since I can't do that.  So Cute little Andrew apparently was warding off "bad guys" with his broom.  He just was so cute I couldn't pass these photo's up.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wrestling 2013

O.k. so I waited till the season was over before I posted these.  Except it takes forever to load the video's so I didn't get the last two video's on here but I will do it soon.  So Nolan really wanted to do this again this year.  I was not happy about it.  I am a basket case watching this.  I really have a hard time watching this.  It doesn't even matter if it's my kid or not.  Well this year he did a lot better and started to win some.  He might have had some help from his mom while she was filming.  I am not sure if the sound is going to come through or not.  If it is then feel free to hit mute on your computer!!!  What can I say as soon as I started yelling he started moving and it helped motivate him.  I guess I yell too much!  Right?! 
 These are pictures of the team gathered around at the American Falls match.
 This video is the match at Bear Lake.
 This is the match at American Falls.  It didn't last long.  But by the next time he wrestled this kid he almost had him pinned.
 This was the matches at Marsh Valley.  It was his first win!!!  We are pretty excited.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Yard 2013!

Probably most of you know already but this was my summer to get my yard done.  When I say done I mean all the big projects out of the way so I am only maintaining instead of building.  So I will admit that I pushed pretty hard.  The worst part is that I was sooooo close!!!!  Then the whole sewer thing happened and it destroyed my lawn so now I am back to building my yard.  Oh well.  Sigh.  I can admit that I was apparently dreaming or smoking something to think I could do this.  But here are a few shots of what I did get done.  I wanted a shed to house my garden supplies.  It turned into a wood shed/playhouse.  Quinn the big softy decided after we had already started that the kids needed the upstairs for a playhouse.  Of coarse this added money to the whole project.  Much to his dismay!  But it turned out nice and it will be great for this winter to have dry and clean wood.  I know wood is not clean but it's cleaner in the shed than up on the hill.  So then I traded a quilt for this fence.  Isn't it great!?!  I wanted my garden area to be separated from the animals, kids, and wind.  So we will see how it goes.  Quinn is not happy about it but I don't care.  (that's the point you get to I guess)  So its been a long summer and fall but I did get quite a few of the major things done so maybe next year won't be so bad. 

 I actually did this rock wall last fall but didn't take a picture of it because I didn't have stuff planted and Quinn did a fence for me to keep the critters out.

Quinn's Birthday/Becca 2nd birthday party

Quinn has to have pie on his birthday.  So this is no exception.  But we did it the day after his birthday.  Which turned out to be when one of the mom's thought the party was.  So we were sitting around and heard a knock on the door and I didn't want the little girl to feel bad so we did a second version of the birthday party.  It worked out just fine. 

Becca's Birthday party 7th year!!

So I give the kids one birthday party when they turn 7 years old.  I almost forgot about Becca turning 7.  It's crazy how it sneaks up on you.  So I had a lady make this cake for her.  It was too cute.  I wish that we didn't have to eat it.  It was adorable. 

 We had to have a Pony Pinata.  The kids enjoyed hitting it but mostly getting the candy.

 In the middle of the whole party thing the guy came to fix the outside light by the barn.  This seems typical

 Then we had to have pony rides for the kids.  Aunt Cynthia brought a pony for us to use since we had to have more than what we own. 

 Cassidy Higley, Raquel Coombs, and Alyssa Ray and Zane Johnson (aka cousin) are the kids that came to the party.

 They had a lot of fun so I am glad that I remembered and that we did it.