Sunday, November 24, 2013

Becca's Birthday party 7th year!!

So I give the kids one birthday party when they turn 7 years old.  I almost forgot about Becca turning 7.  It's crazy how it sneaks up on you.  So I had a lady make this cake for her.  It was too cute.  I wish that we didn't have to eat it.  It was adorable. 

 We had to have a Pony Pinata.  The kids enjoyed hitting it but mostly getting the candy.

 In the middle of the whole party thing the guy came to fix the outside light by the barn.  This seems typical

 Then we had to have pony rides for the kids.  Aunt Cynthia brought a pony for us to use since we had to have more than what we own. 

 Cassidy Higley, Raquel Coombs, and Alyssa Ray and Zane Johnson (aka cousin) are the kids that came to the party.

 They had a lot of fun so I am glad that I remembered and that we did it.

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