Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family Trip September 2013

So we didn't make it on any family trips this year (or couple years) but we did go up to St. Anthony, Idaho to pick up our Perchron Mares that were getting bred.  We had to borrow the neighbors truck and trailer and went and got them.  Lets just say that it turned into an all day endeavor.  Plus we decided to do a loop instead of going the same way home that we went.  So we stopped in Idaho Falls at the Army surplus store and then went across the road to eat at Frontier Pie's.  The kids really enjoyed it. 
 You know what they say about a shepard right?  That the sheep know his voice.  I know you can't tell in this picture very well but Quinn is a horseepard? (pretty sure that is not a word) He called out to his horses and they came running over to him.  They know him.  That can not be said of me.
 This is the stud.
 To be honest he looked a little rough
 Here is the Hay derrick that we saw on the place. 
 Hard to see them but here is Nolan, Thomas and Andrew on a little cart.

 So we decided to go to the Teton Dam because Thomas was studying about it in school.  We stopped and saw my Great-Aunt Dorothy in Newdale.  It was cool to see it.

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