Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oh What Fun a Sewer Line can Be!!!!

When you think that life is going to well, it is and it will shortly change.  I worked so hard this summer to get my yard DONE!!!  Now when I say done I mean all the "big" things done so that all I have to do is maintain my yard instead of build it.  Well here is what happens when you get so close to the end goal and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  You get sewer problems.  Yep we had to dig up my beautiful yard.  We also had to take out my sidewalk.  I have to admit that I cried when it happened.  I must be vain because I just really didn't want to see all my hard work destroyed.  Well I hope that these pictures make you cry too.  I still am not over it but I probably won't be till it's all fixed and that won't happen for awhile.
 Tim Teuscher came and ran the track-hoe that we rented.  So the sewer line that we replaced was 120 feet.  It is a long old line.  We also took my brother-in-law, Erik's advice and put in schedule 40 pipe.  I want nothing more than to never set eyes on my sewer line again!!  These pictures are for the future generation in case they ever have to do this.  They will at least have an idea about where it is.
 Much to our amazement there was a water line right by the sewer line.  It did help us solve some water line mysteries that we have had this summer.

 We ended up shoving a three inch pipe in the old line that was under the new addition.  It was easier than digging it all up.  Which was proving to be impossible.  This is under the house.

 This is under the house in the crawl space.
 These are pictures of the clean out.  Which is 16 feet from the house.  And under the ground about one foot. (this is for us if we ever need to remember this.

 So since we found out that the water line that goes up the hill that has no pressure whatsoever actually comes from our house over to grandma's house and then over to the new calf shed was only 1/2 " I convinced my lovely husband to dig a new line and go from the well to the calf shed with 1 inch pipe.  This will help insure that I will not be yelled at all summer long for taking all the water.  YEA!!!!  I am so excited about this!!!  It was a lot of work but I think it will help the marriage and that makes it worth it right?

 I tried to take pictures at different angles so that we could see where it was if we ever needed to find it again. 

 Let's just say the trench was somewhat narrow. 

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