Sunday, November 24, 2013

When the Cat's away the mice.....will fall in the sewer?

So I had a quilting class on the 4th of November in Montpelier.  So Quinn had to take Andrew to speech that day because I was gone.  So while he was gone this is what happened.  So when I got home this is what I saw.  Joel Teuscher was in the 4630 that was hooked to the slinger.  Quinn was in the Backhoe.  Lets just say this did not work.  I looked over the situation and told him that he needed to go get the 4850 and get it out.  Lets just say that he finally listened to me but it was a while later in the dark.  So hence no pictures.  But it did get out so that's good!!  Nobody was hurt in the making of these pictures.

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