Sunday, May 26, 2013

Funny Boy

So my son Andrew is a little different than the rest of my children.  He loves and I mean loves to go into his dad's tool shed and go to the bolt bin and pull out as many washers as he can possibly fit into his pants pockets.  They in turn end up in my house.  They are everywhere.  I find washers all day in some of the strangest places.  So Quinn is a little concerned that he won't have any washers left someday.  I told him to just ask Andrew where he put them and he will show him.  He also is loving surgical tubing.  It's there on the floor.  I know it's super strange.  I can not give you an answer for this.  Maybe he'll be a doctor someday and support his parents in their old age.  Hey I can always hope for that.
 So this is also something he loves to collect.  Spent shells.  I find them everywhere!!!  I caught him putting them on his fingers and then he took the smaller ones and put them inside the larger ones.

 He thought he was so funny.  He really can sit and play with those things all day.  In fact he put them in his church shirt pocket and took them to church with him today.  I decided that I didn't have the fight in me to get them out of the pocket. 

Water Balloon Fight!!

So the last day of school for this year was Thursday May 23, 2013  So I brought Thomas and Becca home with me after their awards ceremony and then Nolan came home on the bus a little while after.  So when we got home Quinn proceeded to tell the kids that when he was in school they let them have a water balloon fight on the school bus.  Well Thomas thought that was a swell idea and got out the water balloons.  Then Quinn suggested that he lay in wait for his brother Nolan.  So he did.  Well Nolan wasn't a very good sport about it at all.  Can you imagine that?

 Andrew on the other hand really enjoyed himself.  Mostly throwing it at everyone else.  He thought he was pretty funny.

Here is Nolan's happy face that we told him to put on.

 I was trying really hard to get a shot of Quinn getting one on him but it was hard to do.  Later I helped Andrew throw one right on his back.  It was pretty funny.  He started this whole thing.


As stated previously Nolan got some award the other day and I forgot to put these pictures with that post but here they are any way.  I think it works.
 His Math Award.
 This award basically says that he had at least a B average all year.  Plus he got to pick out his locker for next year.  And wouldn't you know it I picked one with Girls all around him. 
 This was his awards from the Weed Essay Contest
 Becca and her teacher Kim Lewis.  Kim insists that they giver her a luv when they come up.  It's pretty cute.
 Becca got on the AR reading wall.  She got 20 points.  There were only 4 Kindergarteners that got that.
 This is Becca with her friend Lexi Edwards.  I don't think she will be back here next year.
The above picture is of Kim Lewis and Cohen Crane.  Cohen and Becca are good friends and we carpooled this year with them.

 This is Thomas getting his award for reading.  I am apparently not quick enough for pictures of them.

This is Becca with her award for Reading and Math.

 This is Thomas with his award for Reading and Math.
And this is Thomas with his award for Good Conduct.  This is the one I value more.  I really like it when my kids act like they should.  He is not doing that in this picture however.

View from the Tractor

So as I stated earlier I had to get to Georgetown and get some cultivating done so that Quinn could get the planting done so that we could all go together to McKenzie's graduation.  So here are some pic's I took from the tractor.  I thought it looked kind of cool. 

 The Mountains still have snow on them.  That is actually a good thing.  If all the snow melts early then we don't have as much water through the year. 

Field Day!!

So every year we have Field Day at the elementary school.  It had been a busy day that day and I had to get my tractor work done so I hopped in the tractor and drove out to Georgetown and stopped by the school and took a few pictures and then got back in the tractor and went to the field by the A frame in Georgetown.  The kids had a blast.  Becca told me that she was scared of heights and that she would not be doing the climbing wall but come to find out she did do it twice.  The first time she left one foot on the ground and the next time she made it halfway up.  She is something else.
 This is Thomas's friend Jayden Pierson
 Here is Thomas.
 Here is Becca.
 Becca again.
 Becca again.
 And again. 
 Thomas climbing the wall.

Awards Assembly at the Middle School

So Nolan is my first child to be in the Middle School and I was unaware of this assembly till Lisa Transtrum, the administrative assistant for the Bear Lake Soil and Water Conservation Board, told me that Nolan had won the Weed Essay Contest and that it would be presented that day.  So I went and I am glad that I did.  I did have to leave the tractor but it was worth it. 
 So this is a picture of Lisa.
 Here is a picture of Nolan accepting his award.  A check for $100 and a water bottle.  Adrianna Johnson (Nolan's cousin) got second place and Cheyenne Mast got third place.  I was really impressed with his essay.  It was quite comical.  Let's say that he did it on his own. 

What about the Fuzz?

By Nolan Jenson


          I have a border collie, named Zeus that loves to run.  He is not careful about where he runs.  This leads to him running through patches of hounds tongue.  I love this dog but get tired of cleaning hounds tongue burrs out of his fur.  Besides this inconvenience to me the burrs are a lot like the fuzz on a dandelion that spread wherever they want. This is not good because the burrs are the seeds of the hounds tongue.  In this case, though the burrs are not spread by the wind but by the dog running around the farm.  These burrs might appear to be fuzzy and friendly but are the exact opposite.

Burdock, to the untrained eye, can seem fuzzy.  But this is not the case, just ask my horse.  When I ride my horse through a patch of burdock we always pick up a few burrs along the way.  I have learned to avoid these areas but sometimes it can’t be helped.  The burdock is like the hounds tongue, in that it is a menace to me and my horse because it gets in my horses mane and tail.  The burrs are also the way it spreads.


          It has been my experience that when getting bucked off you do not want to be near a musk thistle patch. Once when I was riding my donkey, named Scout, he bucked me off into a musk thistle patch.  Not only did it hurt when I hit the ground it also left little pokey things sticking all over me. The purple flower on the thistle dries up then turns white. The wind blows the white fuzz everywhere. This is how the musk thistle seeds spread.  It may appear fuzzy as well but

          As described above these weeds may appear friendly but in fact are not.  Not only do they cause problems for me, they add no value to my farm.  In fact they only create more work for me when I have to go and dig them up.  My Grandfather started a weed digging program on the farm I live on.  My dad has continued this program.  But they both know that if you try every year to dig up the weeds you see that it will make less for the next year.  I have also learned in my short life of digging it is much easier to dig a weed when it is young than putting it off till the middle of the summer.  If left uncontrolled these weeds take over the pastures that my animals feed on.  Not only does that affect my animals but also me.  My cows do not produce as much milk if they don’t have food to eat.  Also when one farmer lets weeds get out of control it pollutes the fields around him with more and more weeds and less and less feed for the animals.  In conclusion, weeds may appear to be fuzzy and friendly but are the exact opposite.  We need to do what we can to stop the spread of weeds.



 So after that award his Math Teacher got up and started presenting her awards.  She handed out a few and then came to the last in her math classes.  She started by saying the it was for the Most Improved in Math.  She stated that the first day of school this young man walked into her classroom and plopped down in his chair.  She said that she started talking about math and he started sinking lower and lower in his seat.  To the point of his head resting on the desk.  So she asked him what was wrong and he said, "I hate Math."  (At this point I was deathly afraid that this was about my son) She then said that he improved so much that he was a good student.  I am crying as I write this because it means so much to me.  My son has hated math since the 2nd grade.  No matter what I have tried to do and his teachers have tried he has fought so hard against math.  I was really worried about this year at school because I had heard things about this teacher but somehow someway she got through to him.  I can see the difference in him.  He no longer quits when it gets tough.  He had an A the first semester and a B+ the second.  I was so proud of him.  He had to work really, really hard but he did it and I could not be happier with anything else.  I can not thank this teacher enough for giving this gift to my son.  It will affect him the rest of his life.  See good things still happen.
 I tried to get a close up but it was too dark.