Sunday, May 26, 2013

Water Balloon Fight!!

So the last day of school for this year was Thursday May 23, 2013  So I brought Thomas and Becca home with me after their awards ceremony and then Nolan came home on the bus a little while after.  So when we got home Quinn proceeded to tell the kids that when he was in school they let them have a water balloon fight on the school bus.  Well Thomas thought that was a swell idea and got out the water balloons.  Then Quinn suggested that he lay in wait for his brother Nolan.  So he did.  Well Nolan wasn't a very good sport about it at all.  Can you imagine that?

 Andrew on the other hand really enjoyed himself.  Mostly throwing it at everyone else.  He thought he was pretty funny.

Here is Nolan's happy face that we told him to put on.

 I was trying really hard to get a shot of Quinn getting one on him but it was hard to do.  Later I helped Andrew throw one right on his back.  It was pretty funny.  He started this whole thing.

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