Sunday, May 26, 2013

Field Day!!

So every year we have Field Day at the elementary school.  It had been a busy day that day and I had to get my tractor work done so I hopped in the tractor and drove out to Georgetown and stopped by the school and took a few pictures and then got back in the tractor and went to the field by the A frame in Georgetown.  The kids had a blast.  Becca told me that she was scared of heights and that she would not be doing the climbing wall but come to find out she did do it twice.  The first time she left one foot on the ground and the next time she made it halfway up.  She is something else.
 This is Thomas's friend Jayden Pierson
 Here is Thomas.
 Here is Becca.
 Becca again.
 Becca again.
 And again. 
 Thomas climbing the wall.

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