Sunday, May 26, 2013

Funny Boy

So my son Andrew is a little different than the rest of my children.  He loves and I mean loves to go into his dad's tool shed and go to the bolt bin and pull out as many washers as he can possibly fit into his pants pockets.  They in turn end up in my house.  They are everywhere.  I find washers all day in some of the strangest places.  So Quinn is a little concerned that he won't have any washers left someday.  I told him to just ask Andrew where he put them and he will show him.  He also is loving surgical tubing.  It's there on the floor.  I know it's super strange.  I can not give you an answer for this.  Maybe he'll be a doctor someday and support his parents in their old age.  Hey I can always hope for that.
 So this is also something he loves to collect.  Spent shells.  I find them everywhere!!!  I caught him putting them on his fingers and then he took the smaller ones and put them inside the larger ones.

 He thought he was so funny.  He really can sit and play with those things all day.  In fact he put them in his church shirt pocket and took them to church with him today.  I decided that I didn't have the fight in me to get them out of the pocket. 

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