Sunday, September 22, 2013

May 24, 2013 McKenzie's Graduation

 OK so here is the disclaimer.  I am behind.  I know it is hard to believe but true.  I am finally catching up on my pictures from the summer.  I am a slacker and truly am sad that I let it go this long.  But I am moving past it and am going to rectify my wrong.  So here goes.  Lots of fun this summer with a lot of work too!!!

 So the kick off to the summer was a quick trip to Boise Land where my niece McKenzie graduated from High School.  Not only does that make me feel old it seems surreal.  I used to sing with her in the car when she was a baby and drive her mom and grandma crazy.  Well it was a fun trip and really short but good to see the family and to get in the pool..

Here is Thomas!!      And here is Aunt Lynsey and this is as fat as she got!!

Don't ask me what Quinn is doing to poor Nolan and Weston.  I am sure they deserved it?  Right?

 Andrew liked getting in the water with his cousin Callie.

Ok so I know she has some heels on but crap I look short and old.
 Andrew jumping into the pool!!  This is definitely progress!!  Thomas was right by his side though.

 Here is McKenzie with Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristie.  They took the stand on the stairs so we don't look so short approach.  Wish I would have done that!!!
 See what I am saying.  These things are Tall!!  Quinn called them bunny slippers.
 Grandma and Grandpa with McKenzie!!
 This looks like Nolan is getting ready to pounce on poor Weston.  Who knows?

 McKenzie with Grandma June (whom we told that we were coming through and that she was going with us and that we were actually thirty minutes early to the graduation so that is early to Jenson's and late to my family)

 Playing some hoops.  Kristie had to go out and show them how it is done. 
 Way to go Max!!  Keep the ball away from them.
 Ok so I didn't take this picture so sorry Grandma!!

 Here are some shots of the Cousin's they seem to be enjoying themselves.

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