Sunday, September 22, 2013

Kent Crane Yearly Cattle Drive

It is a truth universally known (o.k. maybe only to us) that every year Kent Crane takes his cows from Bennington to Maple Canyon or Pine Canyon, which is approx. 5 miles up to the forest.  This generally in not exactly happens on my Wedding Anniversary.  I am not sure how he managed it the year we got married because it was on a Saturday and that is generally when he does it.  So here we are.  It's like the highlight I guess for the month of June.  O.k. maybe that week.  I came up a little later so I was in front of them in the beginning.  They are coming out of Red Canyon here.
 They are getting closer.
 Hey Nolan!  How is Baby Spam treating you?  aka BS
 And a little closer.
 And closer yet.
 And almost to me.
 Ah here is my knight in shining armor or is it Horseman on Ike (Seth's horse)
 What a little camera shy?  Or maybe you are just paying attention to your job?  I doubt it.  But look at Ike's ears.  He is totally paying attention.
 I tried to get a shot of everyone but this is what I got.  Ike's rear end and Bryant Robison in the Black hat.
 Aunt Cynthia with her cute back rider, Zane!!
 Oh Leslie how I love to photograph you.  Bryant and Reed Jenson are in front of her.
 Ok so this is them leaving me behind.
 I tried really hard to get a shot of all of them but nobody was cooperating.
 This is my all time favorite picture.  Leslie Crane riding Jordon.  She definitely doesn't know that I was taking her picture.
 Hey Thomas!!  Turn Marchesa around so I can get a picture.  So he did but not without some effort.
 Matt Crane had the fun job of picking up the small baby calves and giving them a ride.
 See I told you so.
 You can see Mario with the loop and then Benjamin Jenson on Brawnie and Bryant Robison riding Beefoven and Leslie on Jordon.
 Hey Mario I really just want one good shot of you!!
 Still no response.

 I love this picture!!  My 11 yr old boy is going after these onery beef cows and my 9 year old is right there beside him.  Plus throw in a couple of dogs and it's a picture!!!
 Well here is the Mario Johnson Family.  It is unfortunately only their backsides but it is all of them.
 Nolan and Bryant.
 There!!!  Finally a decent picture of the horse whisper, Mario Johnson.

 Ok so I really like this one of the Mario Johnson Family.

 Callie Crane and Zane riding drag.
 Ok so I was totally not quick enough but this is Mario chasing a little baby calf on foot.  It was a priceless moment and I missed it!!!
 Kent Crane
 Alexander (our employee for only a month) on Pegram
 Thomas and Kent swapping stories.
 Benjamin Jenson on Brawnie (This was Brawnies last year.  He died this summer)
 Ok so you really can't tell a thing in this picture but it is of Alexander and Quinn going back and getting a cow.  Look how dusting it was.  That didn't change all summer.
 Now Cynthia are you trying to rope Matt or the Mad Momma next to him?
 This momma had to be loaded up eventually because she was making a menace of herself.
 Here is what I drove and here is my riding companion!!
 There goes that mad Momma!!

 Ahh!!  Here is the Photographer with her rider, Andrew with the extra riding companion, Maggie.  She got way to tired so she had to have a ride every now and then.  It was a competition between her and Andrew though.

 Ok So I probably should delete a couple of these but I thought it was kind of funny that the horse would NOT cooperate to have the picture taken in any kind of grace. 

 Can you see this.  Nolan is definitely more like his mother than I thought.  He doesn't care for the stirrups either.

 This is us headed up Maple Canyon.  Pretty!! 

 Well here is Dr. Quinn doing a little work on the calf.  He had to tag it and do some other stuff.  These boys are all cowboy.  They did it the old fashion way.
 There is a good shot of Mario doing the cowboy job.
 This is the rest of us watching all this going on.

1 comment:

  1. Looks Like Home, Feels like home, I can almost even smell the mountain air.
