Sunday, September 29, 2013

West Nile Continued

Obviously I am not the camera person here!  Nolan was trying to be the cameraman but lets just say sometimes he doesn't quite get the image in the right spot.  I really didn't want these pictures to stay but I had to document my one horse ride on my horse Marcus.  Yes for those of you that may have forgotten I have a horse named for my brother.  He is tall and good looking.  So there you have it.  And my dear brother-in-laws his name is Marcus and don't you forget it!!!!  Watch out boys or I will be renaming your children. 

 Like I said sometimes he is not the best cameraman.  Here is Quinn riding Fluffy.  How is it that when my daughter Becca names an animal the name sticks?!?  She named her Fluffy because when she was a baby horse she was so fluffy and cuddly.  She is a little less so now to be honest.
 And these next pictures will show you why I don't get on a horse very often.

 Watch out Quinn!!!

 Yes Nolan was very disgusted with this.  He is not into public displays of affection. 
 Here is Quinn showing off.

 Ok so now that Quinn had tamed the wild beast Fluffy it was now time for my nephew Reed to get on.  By the way I am afflicted with a large amount of sarcasm.

 Ok so here is the real wild Beast.  Notice the pointy ears and length.  That should tell you all you need to know. 

Ok so really here is the Wild Beast.  And no it's not the donkey.  Just kidding Nolan you are not a Beast.

These two LOVE the donkey.  I can't explain it but it is true.  I have no love for this animal but it does make an appearance every year at our family Nativity.  

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