Sunday, October 6, 2013

Girls Reunion 2013

So for the last few years we have had a Girl Reunion on my Mom's side of the family.  We celebrate my Grandma June's birthday.  We have had it in Lava and that is awfully convenient for me.  We rent a house from the Neibaurs in my side of Fish Creek.  I take Becca with me and we have a fun time.  We did a little Minute to Win it this year.  Lets just say Rayna June is good at the oreo on the forehead eating contest!!
 Aunt Rena!!  You are looking good!!!
 This is Rayna's daughter!!  You've almost got it!!
 My cousin, Hailey Tuma!  Good job!
 Sorry this picture is this way I'm not sure how to fix it.  This is Bentley, Hailey's oldest child.
 This is Rayna's second daughter.  She is the same age as Thomas.

 Aunt Corrine and Rayna June!
 I have no idea why I have a picture of us bringing the chairs up the stairs.
 Becca was out hiding in the trees.  You really can't tell that it was her thought.

 Becca and Bentley put on a show for us.  Can you tell which kid thought of it?
 I think the sassy look gives it away!!

 They were hiding behind the curtains.
 Rayna June with her two kids.
 Hailey and her girls and Aunt Rena
 Grandma June blowing out her candles. 
 Ramie and Aunt Corrine.
 Grandma June and Brynn

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