Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pigs R Us

Well you know the saying of Don't cry over spilt milk?  Well we don't like that saying instead we say, "Get pigs don't spill the milk."  Well we had a little rough of a summer in that we had to dump our tank not only once but twice.  It's not such a good feeling.  But I do love pig meat so I rounded up some pigs to buy.  James Hardcastle is on the Soil and Water board with me and I think he felt bad for me so he consented to let us  buys some from him.  They are pretty cute when they are little.  The neighbors kid came and wanted to hold them.  This is Duke Smith.  He is pretty cute in his hat.  These little pigs roamed the farm for a good month or two.  Hence why I have been pushing to get my yard done.  I am so close but not quite.  I will post some pictures soon about it.

 Andrew loves the sound the pigs make.  These weren't too bad though, as far has high pitched squeals go.

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