Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ode to a Woodpile

If I was a poet I would write a poem about a wonderful old woodpile.  But I'm not so I won't be writing one anytime soon.  So when we bought the farm we inherited a wood pile.  Then when we remodeled the house we increased the wood pile.  Well I have thought that it would be nice to not have said wood pile there but until this fall Quinn didn't feel the need to do anything with it.  But he had to get into the shed right by it and couldn't so that spurred him into action.  So he enlisted a few employee's and a few neighbors (they wanted the wood for fuel for the winter) and they got rid of the Huge Wood Pile!!  It was big if you don't remember seeing it.  I unfortunately didn't get a before picture.   But here is an after picture.

 So some of it was so old that he just burned it.  He dug big pits with the backhoe and then put the wood in it then burned it.  Let's just say that he started this in the dark so that the neighbors and people driving by called me and asked what was going on.  But he got it done, eventually.

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