Sunday, October 13, 2013


Well there is nothing like a good surprise to make your day.  It was a Sunday morning and Quinn calls while I am trying to get ready for church and tells me to come outside because he has a surprise for me.  So I went out with Becca and Andrew and he told us to go up on the hill.  So Nolan wanted a Buckskin horse all summer and Mark Schuman found us one from Rex Skinner in Dingle.  So we got the horse and he told us that she had never been ridden and needed to be broke but that she was in good flesh and if she worked out for him to pay him later.  So we got her and took her home.  Well this incident was a month and half later.  Yes she was in good flesh but only because she was going to have a BABY!!!  So naturally I was soooo excited.  (Anyone who knows me knows that statement is far from the truth) We had a surprise baby!!  Not that, that hasn't happened here on the Jenson farm before.  But now we have another mouth to feed.  But a cute one.  Everything except mice are cute when they are little.  Especially humans!!!  So Nolan didn't get to train his horse this summer with this extra complication.  We'll make that his goal for next year.

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