Sunday, October 13, 2013

Primary Pioneer Parade 2013

 Well in Bennington we have what we call THE BENNINGTON WARD reunion.  This is usually held around the 24th of July.  We usually have a primary parade and this year is no exception.  So we pulled out all the stops this year.
 Cassidy and Summit Higley

 Here comes Seth Sorenson with his cousins Karen and Lily on Baby Spam.  Look at the cute girl on the horse next to him.  Yep that is Becca on Little Princess.
 O.k. so this cute little girl is Pasley Lloyd.  I had to take her picture she is so cute!!
 There is Seth Sorenson again.
 And here comes the big hum daddy on Ike with his cow hide on.  Does he look like an Indian?  or maybe a mountain man?  Or maybe someone who has not outgrown his youth.
 Here is Becca!!!  She would much rather ride a perchron than a saddle horse.  She is a lot like her mother.

 And here is the travois.  It's only been up in the top of my garage since the beginning of time (yes Daren that means you are old) or maybe since Daren was little and did these parades.
 Let's just say Andrew was not too comfortable on the travois.

 Yes it is quite a crew.  By way of information this saddle is the saddle that carried the travois in days long gone.  It still has the marks on it.

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