Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy, Happy, Birthday Baby! Nolan!

Nolan wanted crepes so bad for his birthday this year.  So I got up extra early and made him crepes!!  Wasn't that nice of me?  I think he turned 12 but it's hard to know.  He tends to act two-ish but he is almost as tall as me so it's really hard to know. 
 Isn't he so cute when he's sleepy?

 He did have some help opening his presents.

 Andrew really loved the box that the sleeping bag came it.

 It's a nice and big.  Big enough for two.
 Andrew loved to roll up in the pad.  He thought it was hilarious.

 Here is Nolan's birthday meal!  We had peach pie and banana cream pie!  It was yummy.

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