Sunday, October 27, 2013

Intermittent Springs In Afton Wyoming

So for Labor Day (yes it is true, we did not Labor on Labor day, o.k. we did a little) we went over to Afton, Wyoming with Grandma Dana and the Higley family and went to Intermittent Spring.  It is a natural spring that starts and stops.  It fills a cavern and then flows till the cavern is empty.  It was awesome.  We got to actually see it stop and start.  So it was beautiful on the drive up!!  So I took lots of pictures. 

 The kids found these slugs and put them in my car!!!  Lets just say they were not dead and were on my windows!!

 I thought this was super cute of Becca and Cassidy holding hands.

 So here is the spring flowing.  It comes right out of the mountain.
 Here is the top of the spring.

 This is us walking up to the mouth of the spring.
 The trail got a little steep and it made me fairly nervous with Andrew.

 At one point of the trail I looked up and saw this above my head.  Talk about a flash flood area.

 What cute kids. 

 Here is the head of the spring.  You will notice that there is no water flowing out.

 Thomas decided not to be in the picture with the other kids.  I think he was nervous that he would get stuck above the spring. 
 So we were waiting for the spring to start up again and it started to rain.  At first it seemed like a light mist and then we got a little concerned that it was going to get worse.  Of coarse we had no rain coats or anything because it was such a beautiful day when we hiked up there.  Can you see the trees growing out of the rock?  I thought it was cool.
 Here is Thomas headed down the trail.
 When we were a little ways down I looked back up and saw that the spring had started again.  I sacrificed and pulled out the camera to get a shot.  By this point is was raining a little more.
 So we got back to the cars and lets just say we could literally wring the water out of our clothes.   I stripped the kids down and put them in blankets and wrung out their clothes.  All while I was under the back hatch of my van.  We were SOAKED!!  But it was fun and a great day.  This is a picture of the falls on the way back down.  It's hard to see it in all the mist.

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