Sunday, October 13, 2013

First Day at Bear Lake

Well there's nothing like a day at the Beach.  We try to get it into the schedule at least once in the summer.  We ended up with more than that this year but that was because of outside reasons.  We have fun but mom hates cleaning up after the beach.  But it was fun.  We went with Kent Crane's daughter Becky and her three girls.  It was fun.
 This is Karen and Becca running out to the lake. 
 Thomas and Andrew dug a "hot tub" that was just for the two of them. 
 So then the "big kids" decided to build one too.  So we let them. 

 This is Karen, Kent's granddaughter.
 This is Allie-bubba.  O.k. it's just Allie.  We called her that when she was little and to be honest I tried all summer not to call her that but I did slip into it once in awhile.  Sorry Allie.  Love the Hat!!!

 O.k. so they were enjoying their "hot tub" and it looks awfully inviting.  If you like sand places that monkey's don't have hair.  (not my quote, definitely Quinn's)

 Then they decided to be buried in their hot pot.  It was super fun covering them up.  Even Quinn joined in.  Yes you can get Quinn off the farm once in awhile but you can't take the farm out of him.  Trust me, his phone never quit ringing.

 Nolan was pretty fun to bury then try to "dig" up.  I think he wins the prize for the most sand in his clothes and on his body.

 Reed and Thomas were less whiny than Nolan.  But they loved their spa treatment!!
 Can you tell that Thomas had exfoliated his skin?  He also had a bandage on where his stitches were.  I'm sure it was good for him.

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