Sunday, October 13, 2013

Twin Creeks Parade 2013

Twin Creeks aka Georgetown celebrates their founding every year with a parade and then some games and entertainment.  This year we got pretty much everyone in the parade except for me and Cynthia.  But if any of you know Georgetown they have a road that goes straight up to the mountains and their is a road about half way that they call "Half-mile" (I know it's so original).  So I helped take everyone up there and then I had no way to get back down to the school to take pictures.  So I trotted down there on my own feet.  Lets just say I was tired by the time I walked my half mile.  Good thing it was all down hill.  So here is the crew.  Quinn out in front on Ike (Seth's horse) with Mario driving Morgan's two ponies. 

 Allie, Zane, Becca, and Adrianna were in the "Marriage Carriage" with Uncle Mario.
The outriders were Reed on Baby Spam and Thomas on Flame (Yes she is still alive.) 
 Nolan drove Basco with his little cart carrying Bryant Robison with him (our employee for the summer)
 I ended up by the Smith family.  They were nice enough to give me a ride back up to my vehicle. 

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