Sunday, October 27, 2013

Selling Lambs!!! 2013

O.k. so it seems like all we did this summer is Fair stuff.  Well that is almost right. We did dig a LOT of weeds but I was digging and didn't pay attention to taking pictures of it.  But it was a lot of work and I was pretty impressed by what we got done.  Anyway here is the last of the fair photos, I think.  The boys sold their lambs at the fair and you can almost see Nolan's fake smile.  Lets just say by the end of the fair Mom is probably the most excited to see the animals go.
 Thomas was working on his record book and saw that in real life he would be loosing money on this lamb.  He looked at me and said, "I'm not doing this again!"  He quickly grasped the concept that if not for the inflated prices at the fair sale he would not be making any money and that is not o.k. for him. 

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