Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jenson Reunion July 2 & 3 2013

It was a good year for the Jenson Reunion.  It was so HOT!!!  I actually am not a fan of Hot so it was way to hot for me.  But here are some pictures from our days.  The first ones are just ones that I thought looked cool.

 For part of our reunion we had to make boats out of cardboard boxes and "row" them across the reservoir.  It was hilarious and lots of fun.

 Thomas was our Captain.  He enjoyed it. 

 Mario What are you doing? 
 Reed was off to a rough start.
 Aunt Bec and Benj had it figured out.

 Aunt Eleanor came to Thomas rescue.
 Sorry Nolan you are on your own!!

 If you can't tell from the pictures Nolan's boat did not do so well. 

 Lets just say that there was a lot of fun to be had.  And it was hot so it felt good.  O.k. I don't really know that because I didn't get in.  Big Surprise.
 We had a lot of ticks this year.  On people but this one was on our dog, Mark.  Aunt Eleanor discovered it after she had had him for a good week.  I have never seen one this big. 

 These three were so cute together.  Clay took over as Andrew's protector.  It was super cute!!!
 These are the six kids born in the same year.  It starts off with Dawn and Jacob, Heather and Megan, Aunt Bec and Will, Me and Andrew, Morgan (Camie) and Tanille, and Amy and Sawyer.
 I like to get a picture of them every year so you can see the growth.  They are getting so big.
 These are the family pictures.  Sorry Amy I couldn't resist putting Erik's really really white legs on display.

 Heather and Roy and family

 Justin and Lori and family
 Cynthia and Mario family
 Grandma and Grandpa Morris
 Uncle Daren and Aunt Bec and kids
 Paul and Dawn family
 Kids playing.
 Here is Andrew with his protector Clay.
 Morgan and Camie and family
 O.k. so this is us.  Not the best picture.  I didn't know we were doing an orange theme.
 So this is the whole bunch, I think.

 Look at these cute Dirty Boys!!!
 O.k. here are some cute girls.  Mine looks the dirtiest.
 I couldn't resist a picture of the "boys" working. 

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