Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bear Lake County Fair 2013

Yeehaw!!  Fair Time!!  O.k. so that is not my reaction anymore but it's my children's.  I try really hard not to hate it but it's a tough sale.  Anyway there are a LOT of pictures on this post so feel free to scroll down rapidly through them.  But I needed to get them done since I am so far behind with my posts.  I really wanted to get the whole summer done but it will have to wait for another day.  I am too good at procrastination!!!  So we start out with the Pee-Wee 4-H Lamb show.  Andrew and Becca Love it!!  They give them a blue ribbon and a dollar bill.  What's not to love?

 And then we move onto the 4-H Lamb show.  This is Callie Crane.

 Here comes Nolan.  His lamb was not the most cooperative.

 And Last but not least was Thomas.  He did pretty good for his first year.

 Seth Sorenson brought some babies to the fair and it was a big hit.  Andrew really liked getting into the pen with them.
 Don't ask me what Quinn is doing.  It is a mystery to me.
 Seth Sorenson and Jordon Woodard are helping take the buck's of Kents over to the show ring.

 And so begins the Cow washing.  Andrew got kicked really hard but it didn't discourage him.  Oh no he got right back in there to wash his heifer.

 Too bad the other kids were not as excited about it.

 Andrew really loved to show his heifer.  It was so cute!!

 Of coarse Callie had to help him out a little bit.  He really liked to be on the end of the rope.

 I'm sorry it's just too cute.

 Nolan and Thomas were the only 4-H kids this year.  O.k. so they were the only kids.  It was a small show.  Remind me why we do this?

 Our employees, Bryant Robison and Seth Sorenson both showed animals.  That was fun. 

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