Sunday, October 6, 2013

Potty Training Andrew

Well we started building up to the Potty training in March of this year.  We got the Dairy Farm Set and had it in the bathroom for a long, long time.  So during the Jenson Family Reunion I started Potty Training for real.  We had attempted it twice before.  But I was determined and mostly there were no more diapers so it was do or die.  (It was super hard to do by the way) So he finally pooped on the potty and got his dairy farm set.  Becca was right by his side the whole time.  So I wrote down their conversation because it was just too funny!!!
 Becca: "You had better milk that one again I don't think you got her milked out."
Becca: "Get the cows ready for vet check, that's when they say whether they are healthy or not."
Becca: "SHUT THE GATE!!!"
Becca: "Let's Clean up the farm." (that might be the only one from me)
Becca: "Go shovel the manure."
Becca: "This guy is going to milk these three sick cows over here by hand." "Sick cows stay on the sick floor."
Andrew:  "Moo"  "Hay"  "Hey"

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