Sunday, October 13, 2013


O.k. looking at this picture it brings up several questions of Why.  Why is Andrew holding this creature?  Why in the world would his dad let him hold this weasel?  Why would his mom take the time to take a picture of him holding it?  Yes there are several questions you could ask yourself.  Mostly why we like to kill varmints around here.  By the way Becca when she was young loved to "pretend" hunt varmints.

O.k. so my niece Allie just texted me about something that I had totally forgotten about this incident.  It's a good thing she has a great memory!!  So for the next couple of days Andrew would make the sound of a dying Weasel.  Eeeeeeeeee!  Eeeeeeeeeee! and then giggle.  It was pretty funny and I super glad she reminded me about that!!!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed you didn't mention how for the next few days Andrew's favorite noise to make was of the dying weasel. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!EEEEEEEE!!!!!!! and then lots of giggling.
