Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ice Cream Making Morgan Style

Uncle Morgan came and made us homemade ice cream.  His style.  Lets just say that it involves: Morgan, Milk, silver bowl, a wooden spoon, and liquid nitrogen.  Since Morgan has access to all of the above it worked out really well for him.  Or maybe it worked out really well for us.  It was yummy and no work for me!!!  Love it!!

 A slight disclaimer though.  It will burn your grass.  But it only lasted for a week or too so no big deal.

 Obviously Nolan had the camera!!  I wish I could teach him how to focus!!!  And more than just the camera!
 No this is not my baby but he could be he looks like my boys.  This is Dayne Morgan and he belongs to Morgan and Camie Jenson.

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