Sunday, October 27, 2013

First Water problem of 2013

O.k. since I'm doing a little catch up and I now know what the rest of the summer has been like I have entitled this the 1st water problem.  That is a little bit of a giveaway for sure.  But here it its.  My purpose in these pictures is two fold.  To get as much sympathy as I can and to have a record of where said water lines may be if and I mean if we ever need to know in the future.  So this is by the new calf shed.  My dear husband kept accusing me of using all the water all summer.  The funny thing is that every time he asked me if I was using water I wasn't and so it wasn't me doing it.  So we Had a huge dilemma about where the problem was or what was causing it and where in the world the water lines even were at.   So after three days of searching Quinn listened to his lovely wife and took off the calf waterer that we just installed last winter and low and behold there was the water problem.  The pipe had basically broke off and of coarse it was under cement.  Why would it not be?  So you can see be these photos how fun it is to dig under cement and have dirt fall on top of you. 

 This is where the pipe was busted off.  You really can see it but trust me it's there. 
 This is their tunnel.  I had to have Andrew stay by Quinn to tell me if the dirt fell on top of him and I was suppose to come rescue him.  Let's just say I am not sure how I would have done that. 
 You can't see the water line very well but here it is.  Yes this picture is mostly for Quinn.

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