Sunday, October 13, 2013

Suburban Fun

Ok so if you know my husband this story will come as no surprise.  So my good friend Linda Timothy moved clear across the country (yes Robert I am still bitter) and they had this suburban that had "died" before they left and Linda's brothers had it in Kamas, Utah.  So when Linda and Robert came out to visit Robert mentioned to Quinn that he could have this suburban (for a fee) and he needed to come and get it while they were still in the west.  So Quinn and I hopped into the Burnt Orange (literally one of it's last trips anywhere) and went to Kamas to get it.  Well it turned out Robert wasn't there but Linda was which meant I got to see her again.  (I don't know about Linda but I cried most of the way home, Like I said Robert I am still miffed!!) So while we were there Quinn went and talked to one of Linda's brothers.  If you don't know this Linda's brothers own a Snowmobile-ATV shop.  It is cool and all but if  you can't tell by this photo Quinn talked him out of an old snowmobile.  I was at Linda's sisters house rounding up kittens to take back with us.  (Seriously they make the best cats from there) So needless to say this is what it looked like when we got home.  I am glad I didn't take the kids because it could have been worse!!

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