Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cleaning the Goose Shed

OK so another disclaimer.  I really should apologize for doing all these pictures so long after the fact.  But I can't go back I can only go forward, right?  Well anyway I am sure to forget a lot about this summer but I got pictures of all the work we did.  I will admit that I was driven this summer.  I told Quinn four years ago when I moved out to the farm that I would be cleaning up the farm.  I gave him four years notice isn't that good?  Well we started in on it this year.  Since I built Quinn a Nice New Calf Shed last summer I told him the old ones had to go.  Well me and the boys started to clean the Goose shed (No this was not inhabited by Geese at least not in my lifetime) so that it could dry out so we could move calf hutches over there.  So we got the surrounding area cleaned but we couldn't get the Years and Years worth of crap out of the shed.  But I very lovingly convinced my boys and their cousins to clean in the front so that we could lift it up to clean out the rest.  Ok so lovingly might not describe it right.  If my memory serves me correctly it was a punishment. 
 These two were so very helpful.  I think they were the watch out crew.  You know the watch out for mom crew.

 Ah!!  Nothing warms the cockles of my heart more than to see my workforce working.  O.k. so they weren't technically working, just watching Quinn trying to lift the shed up.

 Well when you can't get it done with the little gun bring in the big ones.  The case got the job done!!

 I can honestly say that was some of the worst smelling stuff I have ever encounter in my life.  I can't begin to explain it to you.  And I don't really want to try either!!!

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