Sunday, September 29, 2013

Summer Fun

Ok so I took this picture for a few different purposes.  First one was to show how weed free the lane was at one point of the summer.  Now realize that I am on the 4-wheeler and I can not and I mean can not take pictures while driving.  I have to stop.  So here is a shot of the lane.  But I was really trying to get the boys riding the horses down.  You can see them in the far distance but not very well.
 So I sped up and got a picture of Nolan on BS and that's about all you can see.  But wow look there are no weeds.  (Since these pictures were taken I have gotten too occupied with Life and there are now unfortunately weeds in the lane)
 Ok so these pictures are a little off of the subject but I really liked them so here they are!!!
 Isn't this one beautiful!!  I love the grassy meadow in the fore ground. 
 These two make quite the pair!!  You will notice the shovel on the front!!  That's pretty much were it was all summer.

 Ok so some families have a traditional vacation or a yearly thing that they do together.  Well we here on the Jenson farm vaccinate our horses for West Nile every year.  And I have got to say that every year it is something else.  This year Quinn built a pen on the south end of the Pump pasture and lets just say it is really nice and awesome.  I love not spending my whole day chasing horses (Yes Morgan I am talking about your horses).

 But by far my favorite memory is the year that Aunt Bec and Uncle Daren were here helping us vaccinate.  My dear husband has a horse named Jordon.  This horse is now 18 years old and he reacts every time!!!  And when I say react I mean react!!  So the one year Quinn decided that it was much safer on his back than on the ground.  That worked o.k. but not great.  So then the next year (I think) Aunt Bec is there with the needle and syringe.  Quinn and Daren were talking about the best way to give Jordon the West Nile.  And before they could quit talking Aunt Bec walked up and gave it to him before he even knew what was happening.  I enjoyed that sooooo much!!!  It was great!!!  So now every year and try to show Quinn how fast Aunt Bec was and to encourage him to do the same.  It goes over really well.  O.k. so these next pictures are of this years event.  I tried really hard to get some good ones but it didn't work out the way I wanted it to. 

 See at this point Quinn is lying to Jordon telling him it won't hurt a bit.  But look at Jordon he knows a con when he sees one.

 So this is my favorite picture.  He is what happens when you are not QUICK like Aunt Bec!!!

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