Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wild Buffalo Roundup!!

June 1, 2013  So this should be how everyone starts off the summer.  A wild Buffalo roundup.  We went to Max Fishers house to help him wean a beefalo calf for him.  Lets just say there was no respecter of fences that day.  Here is Nolan with his rope.  He had just gone through the water bog on the four wheeler with his dad.  Let's just say he really smelled after that!!! 
 Here are the animals that we finally got into the corrals and then they promptly ran back out.  That was fun!!  Just kidding.
 So I didn't get a shot of it because Quinn actually roped the calf but it was behind the trailer.  So sorry but that is how he ropes stuff.  When I am not looking.

 My nephew Weston was with us plus Alexander our employee from Uruguay (he only stayed a month) they had the calf on the four wheeler with them.
 It might appear that this calf is calm and docile but it is not!!  It is Crazy!!!  And don't think for a minute that by us bottle feeding it that it has calmed down any!!  There is such a thing as wild animals and domestic animals. 

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