Sunday, May 26, 2013

Field Trip to the Farm!

So every time I have a child in Kindergarten I have them come out to the farm for a visit.  When we were in Spokane this February our cab driver talked about when he was a kindergartener he went to a dairy to visit.  He talked all about it.  It must have made a profound impact on him to remember it all these years after it happened.  So here are the pictures from our day.  It went really well and the clouds parted and the sun came out and we had a great time. 
 The milk truck came late that day!!!  Of all days!!!  I told the driver that he sure picked a fine time to be late.  He is NEVER late. 
 The dogs were really enjoying themselves!!  They loved the kids and would not leave them alone.  So I had to remove them.  We had two kids that are deathly afraid of Dogs!!!  It was maybe good for them to be around my extremely friendly dogs.
 So if you can't tell I am not the one taking pictures.  Bryson Crane wanted to take some pictures for me and this is what we got.  I am not sure why I am in the picture.

 See here is Mark and Daisy begging for attention.  They were out of control!!!  We tried to lock them up but that didn't work either!!!

 Cohen Crane
 Gabe Day

 See what I mean!!  No pictures of me allowed!!!
 This is Houston DeClark's mom and she was helping hand out their snack from the school.

 Here the kids are in the Barn.
 Quinn let them feel how the milkers work.  They were a little leery.

 Next he showed them the tank and the milk inside it.

 Next we fed the baby calf's

 Group Photo time.

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