Sunday, May 26, 2013

Black and White Days in Richmond

So I have been remiss in posting on here.  I've been in the tractor and it does inhibit computer time.  So we finally got all the seed in the ground last Thursday so that means now is the time for me to get this done.  So on May 15, 2013 I took Nolan out of school and took him and Andrew down to a Dairy Judging contest in Richmond.  Nolan enjoyed the dairy heifer contest so much that I thought this would be a good activity for him.  I mostly thought it would help him pay attention to the world around him and "SEE" things around him.  I love him dearly but he sometimes is not the most observant.  So he threw a little fit about going because it was finals that day and he was sure that they would flunk him.  I assured him that they would not be doing that and that this was more important.  So off we went.  I thought we were just going to be observing but Uncle Justin threw Nolan into a group and he actually judged.  Actually he asked Nolan what he wanted to do so this is what happened.  I did not school Nolan on the process of Judging but he managed.  I will admit if this had happened to me I would have been crying and throwing a fit.  So he is doing better than his shy mother.  He also did two reasons classes and I was super surprised that he did that. 
 So Andrew was being a little pill the whole time but I tried to get a few shots in of Nolan.  This is what he did way to much.  Leaned against the side lines.  But he finally learned that he could walk around to look at the animals.  All in all it was a good day and I think he really enjoyed himself because he wants to go to another one this summer.

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