Sunday, May 26, 2013


As stated previously Nolan got some award the other day and I forgot to put these pictures with that post but here they are any way.  I think it works.
 His Math Award.
 This award basically says that he had at least a B average all year.  Plus he got to pick out his locker for next year.  And wouldn't you know it I picked one with Girls all around him. 
 This was his awards from the Weed Essay Contest
 Becca and her teacher Kim Lewis.  Kim insists that they giver her a luv when they come up.  It's pretty cute.
 Becca got on the AR reading wall.  She got 20 points.  There were only 4 Kindergarteners that got that.
 This is Becca with her friend Lexi Edwards.  I don't think she will be back here next year.
The above picture is of Kim Lewis and Cohen Crane.  Cohen and Becca are good friends and we carpooled this year with them.

 This is Thomas getting his award for reading.  I am apparently not quick enough for pictures of them.

This is Becca with her award for Reading and Math.

 This is Thomas with his award for Reading and Math.
And this is Thomas with his award for Good Conduct.  This is the one I value more.  I really like it when my kids act like they should.  He is not doing that in this picture however.

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