Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Family Fun Jenson Style!

Andrew was soooooo excited to go Snowmobiling but I'm not sure if he was as excited as the all the rest of the kids (o.k. and me too!!)  We haven't really been for a couple of winters because last year there was just not enough snow (plus I was a mean tyrant and made everyone work).  So Andrew LOVED the helmet!!  He is not his mother's child!!
 Thomas (can you see all the freckles?)

 Nolan, the strong silent type or is it camera shy?
 We were waiting for traffic to pause for a moment.  Andrew rode with Dad and Becca rode with me and Nolan drove Thomas on the 440
 Here's an aerial view of the House!!
 Here's the FARM!!
 Here is Bennington!!
 Here is Montpelier!
 So this shot is not great but I was trying to get a picture of Bear Lake!

Anyone who snowmobile knows that at some point you are going to get stuck!  Quinn was really tired by the end of the day!
 This shot is looking down into Pine Canyon from Play basin.
And of course there has to be a picture of Baldy

 Sherman's Peak
 This is a picture of Play Basin from the top.  Not a whole lot of tracks.

  You probably can't tell but there is Thomas and Becca in the sleigh coming down into the Play Basin.  And the picture below is Nolan when he got done sledding.

  Andrew loves the snow.  He eats it, plays in it, and baths in it!!
Here the kids are climbing up the other side so they can sled down it.

 Andrew insisted on climbing up the trail so his daddy came to his rescue!!
 Another picture of the head of Pine.  Notice no tracks going into it.
 Here comes Nolan and Becca!
 Nolan ate a little snow.  You can't tell from the picture but believe me I was there.

 Here comes Dad and Andrew.  Andrew loved!!  He was laughing when they got to the bottom.
Andrew's favorite thing to do is lay down and use the snow as his bed.  Then he gets up and looks at the imprint he made and laughs hysterically. 
 Who allowed this boy on my Machine!!!?!!!!

 I wish I could of captured when he got stuck but Andrew interrupted me.  But it was classic.  But my favorite was when Nolan was in front and his dad was driving and they were side hilling it a bit and Nolan leaned forward and hit the kill switch.  That was classic!!
Here comes Dad and Becca

She really enjoyed it except for the snow and hair in her face.
 One last trip down the big side.  Thomas was on the green sled by himself and Dad and Becca were on the other one.

 Can you see the snow in his face?  I tried.
 So this is us at the end of the day before we crossed the highway.  Thomas was driving so we needed to switch drivers.  It was so fun!!  I remember why I love to snowmobile.  Thank you Robert for introducing me to it!!

Dr. Quinn the Medicine Man

At our farm a typical day usually involves helping animals in one way or another.  This day was helping Aunt Cynthia with a bum lamb she got from Kent Crane.  It was one of three and apparently the mom stepped on this one's leg and broke it.  So the first thing anyone does is call, Dr. Quinn.  He gets mad when I call him that but it is true.  He stitches, bandages, and doctors quite well.  As long as he doesn't ask me to be his assistant.  I'll admit I'm a touch on the squeamish side.  So here is Aunt Cynthia holding the poor little lamb while they create a cast.

 We are pretty high tech around here.  For a splint Dr. Quinn and his lovely assistant, Uncle Mario are using the dehorners to cut off the end of a plastic covering of a syringe.  It's amazing how up we are on the latest technology.  (Maybe we are a little on the cheap side)
 Mostly I took these pictures so we could remember how we did this. 

 The Finale!!  We will see how well it worked in a couple of weeks.