Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter Projects

So the week before we went to Spokane we had LOTS to do in order to leave.  Yes this is very typical no matter what we are doing but it gives my dear husband a deadline (don't tell him but that is a really good thing) which motivates him to get some things done.  I had to take pictures so that he could "see" how much he got done.  The lounging shed door has had quite a large hole in it for quite some time.  I am so sorry that I can't find a before picture for you but just imagine a large hole that a smaller sized cow could easily step through.  Also a larger cow could knock the 2x4 up and open the doors.  So a week prior to this that is exactly what happened but Quinn happened to be nearby so it was not as big of a mess as it could have been.  So here is the door fixed and only a slight hole on the right side but definitely an improvement. 
 Out in the cow corral we have a manure pit that borders a walkway for the 2nd herd cows to go up to their feeder.  The manure pit slopes downward and is bordered by cement.  In the past there was a fence here made up of metal posts and wood poles.  Once again I apologize for no before pictures.  The cows love to rub on this fence and lets just say it was in slightly less than perfect condition.  In the week prior to this the 1st herd and 2nd herd cows were getting mixed quite frequently.  That's not great when Quinn is here but awful when he is gone.  So this summer he went to the salvage yard and picked up some metal that was bent in a slight curve.  This is what he used which is good in some cases (the end) and not so good in other cases (the top part).  But he had to reconstruct the metal posts because the old ones had rotted out and were no longer available for use.  He did this then started at the top welding the metal on with the use of tabs.  As he worked his way down the hired man pulled the metal down while Quinn welded.  This is the end result.  It is nice and to my knowledge no cows crossed it in our absence.  I forgot to mention that on the other side the snow and ice and built up so that it was an easy step to get over the concrete wall. 
 Poor Quinn!  I made him pose by his fence.  I think it turned out really good and I'm glad he was able to find the metal underneath the snow.  Good job!!

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