Monday, February 18, 2013

Marcus the Horse

I'm so sorry to name a horse after you Marcus but lets just say it keeps you in our thoughts.  This particular horse is a Perchron and Thorobred cross.  He is big and quite comfy to sit on to tell the truth.  He can be hooked up as well so that makes him super versatile.  But the real reason we were riding him is two reasons: 1.  Quinn does not walk (unless he really has too, like in an airport) 2.  He is the easies horse to catch (o.k. at least on that day)
 Andrew got a little tired waiting for his dad to come and drive the sleigh to feed the horses.  It looks kind of comfy don't you think?
 Here is Quinn and Becca on Marcus the horse.  Quinn wanted to see if he was fazed by a couple of feet of snow.  But he wasn't!!  Becca just wanted to ride with her daddy.

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