Monday, February 18, 2013

Feeding Jenson Style

So we have been watching some Farmer You Tube video's lately and they are hilarious!!  So we are definitely not that talented in the film making but here are our photo's at least.  The day after we got home Quinn loaded up the boys and went to the ranch.  I got a call telling me to come up and take some pictures.  After I trudged all the way up the hill I could see why these were very important photo's.  It's all part of Quinn's life plan.  I'm sure you can figure it out
 Nolan was in the front bringing up the heifers that are getting close to calving.  He's riding the horse named Pegram (she is coming on 16 years of age).  He's out in front "working."

 Nolan is not quite as excited about me taking pictures!
 Then along comes Thomas driving the team.  I will mention here that he is driving Little Princess and Rebecca.  Our two oldest Perchron's. 
 Hey Thomas!  Lookin' Good!!

 And then along comes the Dad!!  Here is why I needed to take pictures.  Since he's over hill he has employed his workers to do his work for him.  I think that is why he had children. 
 Oh the life! Laying in a sleigh with straw for cushioning and having a cute little boy keep you warm. 

 Yeah I can tell what life is going to be looking like from here on out.  Quinn is now in a "supervisor" role, almost!

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