Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spokane, WA

So it's hard to believe it but 15 1/2 years ago Quinn and I were in Spokane for our honeymoon and here we are again.  Except for a different reason.  We went to a conference put on by North West Farm Credit.  We have a loan through them and this conference was free plus they gave us money to get to the event.  I have loved working with them so if anyone feels so inclined I would use them for my financial intuition.  It was a great conference and we learned a lot.  I hope to implement even half of it and I think we will do well.  My mom came and watched the kids and they really enjoyed that.  Andrew discovered that he can get out of his crib and scared my mom a couple of times.  He is a trickster.  The hired man and Uncle Justin and Uncle Mario and Aunt Cynthia took care of things outside so that we could go.  It was great!!  Here is the view from the top of our hotel.  It is crazy how much I remember from my first trip here. 

In this picture you can see the white building (kind of) which is the IMAX theater.  I also didn't get it in this picture but there is an old building that was once the Broad View Dairy.  It was cool and we visited it when we came here the first time. 
Here is our Hotel.  We went outside for a group picture so I snapped this one on the way back in. 

 So the next few pictures are taken from the plane.  I thought it was cool and I wanted the kids to see the airport and such.  We haven't flown in 10 years and lets just say I was a little on the worried side.  I think we should probably do this a little more often than that. 

 This picture is taken after we took off in Spokane
 Same with this one

 These pictures were taken at SLC airport.  Poor Quinn got a little sick on the plane ride from Spokane to SLC.  He looked our the window the whole way and it was a little on the turbulent side.  He doesn't do so well on Roller coasters.

 The Mountains by the SLC airport.  I thought it was a pretty good shot but it was a little overcast so you can't see much.

 Antelope Island.  I think.

 You can't see it very well but I think it's the pass from Brigham City to Logan.  I could be wrong but that's why I took the picture.

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