Sunday, February 17, 2013

Let it Snow!!

I was trying really hard to show you how hard it was snowing but I am afraid the camera isn't quite up to it but if you will look closely you will see the signs.  For instance in this first picture you can see the snow on the hand railing and in the background between the tree and the yellow house you can't see the road so that means very low visibility. 
 I finally got smart and took a picture this way. But I should say that I had already shoved this spot three times before I took the picture.  Sorry I will be smarter next time.  So it is always a great day here when we get snow especially after a summer like we had last year. 
 In this picture you can at least "see" the snow which is what I was trying to accomplish.  I was at our back door and saw the kids coming so I zoomed out to get them.  Little Andrew was dress up!! He had on four layers and was loving the snow.

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