Sunday, February 17, 2013

Matt's Snowcat

I should say that this particular snow cat has been down at the ranch for a few years.  We used it a couple of years ago when it was really hard to get down to the ranch with the team and sleigh and that it was too muddy for a tractor to make it with the feeder.  I tried to take a video of it moving but I am afraid I don't know how to post a video.  I do apologize.  Who knows maybe I didn't even take a video and just thought I did.  That has happened before to be sure.  I should also mention that Matt and his wife Leslie were working on the snow cat before Matt drove it up from the ranch.  Apparently they left a knife underneath and forgot about it.  I was cross-country skiing up from the ranch and happened to be looking down at the right moment and I found it half way up.  I know it's hard to believe but it's true.  That would be defined as a Miracle at our house.  We are constantly loosing knifes or Leatherman. 

I found the video so I hope it works!

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