Sunday, February 17, 2013

What happened while I was gone

So  pretty long title for a post if you ask me but I couldn't seem to come up with anything clever today.  I think it's my brain still in vacation mode.  So while I was gone Thomas went to Scouts and he made this tool box.  Apparently there was some misunderstanding and it accidentally went home with one of the other boys but his excellent leader, Mandy Phelps, went and got it and brought it to him.  That was super nice of her and good for grandma too. 

 It was also Valentines day at school and here is Thomas and Becca's bags.  I should have taken a picture of the "train" car my mom made me when I was in 2nd grade for my valentine's.  I still have it after all these years.  Lets just say our day is more disposable. 
 So I couldn't resist these next two pictures. I am sure this happened while I was gone too.  The T.V. was on, can you tell?  The two older ones were suppose to be eating in the kitchen and they were "mesmerized" by the TV and not doing what they were suppose to be.
 The two little ones were in the chair that they had turned around and snuggled up in their dad's blanket while they watched TV.  It is a sad fact at our house that all the children zone out on the TV like their dad. 
I found some more pictures so I added them to this post.  My dear niece, McKenzie, gave Grandma and me a flower for Valentine's day.  It was awfully nice of her.  I rarely get flowers these days.  So you should have seen all the men with flowers at the airport.  It was crazy.  I guess they go through security pretty well though.
 This is what grandma did with the kids while I was gone.  Not one kind but two kinds of sugar cookies.  I got the chocolate recipe off of the Pioneer Woman website.  They look and tasted pretty good.

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