Sunday, April 28, 2013

Birthday Party Girl!

So last Saturday the 20th Becca was invited to a birthday party for her fellow Kindergartner, Cohen Crane.  I trade days with his Grandma on picking up the Kindergartners.  It's been a nice arrangement for me at least.  That's not to say I'm not counting down the days till its over.  Kindergarten is a hard year.  Too much disruption and a LOT of reading.  But to be honest Becca is a great reader and needs little to no help anymore.  It's been nice for me.  So back to the subject Quinn and I were out in the Quonset, cleaning it, with the boys and she was in the house getting ready.  She made a hat and wrapped her present and then took the tube that the wrapping paper was on.  She was prepared.  It was pretty cute.  I would have taken a picture of the Quonset because we made great progress but we are not done and I wanted a picture of it done.  We'll see if it happens. 

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