Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pony Ride!!!

So my baby is obsessed with the horses.  He LOVES them.  He wants to be on them all the time.  And guess what?  I am not the gal for the job.  So that means someone else has to pick up the slack.  And in the case it was Thomas.  Andrew was crying!!! before Thomas when out to do chores and so Thomas promises him that if he got dressed and put his coveralls on that he would take him on a pony ride when he got his chores done.  And true to his word he did just that.  Did I mention that Andrew has no fear with horses?  None at all!!  So yes here is Thomas getting ready for the pony ride with Andrew "helping."
 Please don't notice the pink gloves.  It's just so much easier to put on sisters old gloves than to find the boy ones.
 Pop Quiz:  How many Jenson boys does it take to give another Jenson boy a ride on a pony?
Answer:  However many there are nearby.
 Oh how happy Andrew was!!  I wish I could reproduce how he talks but it is impossible.
 Plainly they didn't listen.
 Still not listening.  Maybe the hats are in the way!!!





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