Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kicking Up Dust

 These pictures are of Quinn doing some harrowing.  I had to record it because more often than not, it's me in the tractor not him.  Also I thought it was kind of cool looking. 
 Doesn't this one look all mysterious?  Or maybe just dusty.
 And some more dust.
 And even more dust.

 Now you can see him.  He's in the 4630 and the radio works so it's pretty nice.
 This is a shot of the mountains from down at the ranch.  I am trying desperately to make Robert Timothy homesick.  Is it working yet? 
 Here's the old house.
 The Old House again.
 And again.
 This is the view from the top of the lane. 
 I was on the 4-wheeler and lets just say that the bugs were out.  It was hard to get back home.  I think I ate a few.

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