Thursday, April 4, 2013


Ask me.  I mean it just ask me why in the world I would spend soooooooooo much time on these little things?  Well back to the hoarding thing.  I had bought almost a year ago the beans to go into these stools.  Well I had them stored in Andrew's room and when I realized that we were getting a bed to go in there I hurried it up and started to work on these.  Now when I say hurry do not get the wrong impression.  These things took way more time than they were worth but the kids love them.  I used fabric from my stash (just for you Linda) and that is a step in the right direction (to quit hoarding).   Anyway so I was going to get these done for Christmas and then I thought it would be a great Easter present.  But I sadly fell short on all of those but today April 4, 2013 we are celebrating.......something.  But nonetheless the kids got their stools finally!!  And I am so happy to be done with it all.  You will notice that there are five stools and I only have four children.  No I'm not announcing anything.  The other stool is for my dear hubby.  So can you guess who's stool is who's?  I guess maybe there is one that is a dead give away but can you guess the rest?  Maybe if I had taken better up close pictures it would help.

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